Start your career at ASM

Kickstart your future in semiconductors as an early career candidate. Join the brightest minds in the industry and become a next-generation leader at ASM. 

At ASM, we start by connecting atoms and end up connecting the world. To help us do this, we never stop looking for the best and the brightest graduates. There are great opportunities to work on the leading edge of technology and it all starts with you. When you're looking to make the crucial first step in a career that might last for decades, what are the most important factors you need to consider?    

Opportunities for all

It's a good idea to begin your career in a company where there are plenty of opportunities to create your own individual career path. You want to find a place where you can develop to the best of your abilities.

Global family at ASM

You'll be joining a global family that stretches from Arizona in the USA up to Helsinki in Finland and over to Tokyo in Japan, along with many other places. Whatever your specialism, you may find yourself spending time at ASM offices or customer sites all across the world.

Careers that impact future innovation

We are pioneers of many of the technologies used today as standard in semiconductor manufacturing. With our track record, we create new career opportunities all the time. Right now our Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) technology is creating a new generation of product platforms and processes.

Many individuals, one goal

Although we all share very clear and challenging team goals, there's still a strong acceptance of individuality and cultural differences. You can still be you and part of the larger ASM team.​

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Aspiring to grow within the exciting field of semiconductors? Search for your early career opportunity now. 

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Meet our inspiring talent

At ASM, we welcome the opportunity to give young, talented people the chance to show us what they can achieve while giving them an insight into our world. 
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